Are You Any Less Worthy Than the Loaves and Fishes?
"There is a lad here, which hath five barley loaves, and two small fishes: but what are they among so many?" John 6:9 There were thousands of people to be fed, and only a small amount of food to feed them with. Andrew's question was a valid one. How would they feed so many? We all know the story. Jesus blessed the small amount they had, and fed the crowd. There was enough. And when everyone had eaten, there were even leftovers. Don't we too, at times, have the same question as Andrew did? How will this little bit, this small thing, make a difference? The truth is, that we will never know what difference something will make, until we do it. Even then, there are times that we won't know. Sometimes we do things, or have promptings to do things, that we can't see how they would make a difference. S...