On This Day - to grieve, or rejoice?
This day, Friday, May 29th, 2015, holds a lot of significance for our family. Two months ago today, we lost the littlest member of our family . Four years ago today, my aunt died in a tragic car accident. And seventeen years ago today, my oldest brother, the one who made me a big sister, was born. This week is unarguably one of the busiest weeks in the year for us. With four birthdays in the space of six days, this week is known as "birthday week" to us. In some ways, it's like Christmas broken up and spaced out over those six days. The rush and busyness, the last minute treat-making, the hurriedly wrapping gifts, and the celebrating. But in all the busyness, there is grief and reflections. Losing a sibling was/is undoubtedly one of the hardest things I've walked through . I never even met her, and yet the ache is so deep. I don't understand the why. "Why?" Was brought up a few weeks ago, when we released balloons ...