Blessing Upon Blessing

Thursday, June 15th, 2017, I spent the day driving the ten hour stretch back home from Nashville Tennessee, where I'd been living for the previous nine weeks. I was a mess. Physically and emotionally exhausted. My time as a nanny in Tennessee had ended - by my choice - three months earlier than originally planned. I didn't know what came next.
I'd left my job when I moved there, and now I was back at square one - or so it seemed, with no job, and no idea what to do with my life, or what direction to turn.
I hardly dared think of the future, because it was enough to live one day at a time. To think beyond that was overwhelming. I'd previously dealt with depression, but here I was, battling it again, under different circumstances, and I didn't know what to do with it.
Coming home, though a hard decision to face, was the right choice, and I'm so grateful for how all the details and the timing worked out so perfectly in that.
The next few months were hard. So many ups and downs, uncertainties. Incredibly painful moments that I wasn't prepared to face.

But God.

This is what I keep going back to. Here it is, a year later, and I'm blown away by His goodness and grace in my life.

These last few months have been some of the sweetest of my life. Friends I haven't talked talked to for awhile ask me how I'm doing, how my life is, and this is my answer: Life is good. This season is so sweet, such a gift. Is everything in my life exactly how I, in my finite human wisdom, would choose for it to be? No. But it's sweet. And I'm trying to cherish it, because I know that this season is just that - a season, and it won't last forever. 

In these last months, I've been so incredibly blessed by the unexpected.

In August of 2017, I got a job working in a pharmacy - which was something that had literally never crossed my mind before. Pharmacy was never once on my radar. But the place where I applied needed a pharmacy technician, so I registered through the state to become a technician in training. Surprisingly, I found that I loved the work. According to the aptitude test that I took in high school, I shouldn't enjoy that job or be good at it. But here I was, and I loved it. I'd never loved my job before. I'd never done anything before that I could see myself wanting to do long term.
Yesterday, I passed the examination to get my technician certification. This job that I'd never before given any thought to, has become my career.

Blessing upon blessing.

During my short time in Tennessee, I had the gift of being part of a college aged group with one of the churches that I visited there.
When I came home, I had a renewed longing for community - I had my church, that I loved, but I was under the impression there there were no others anywhere near my age who shared my desire of tight-knit community, friendship and fellowship.
How wrong I was. In March, a handful of us went camping together, and out of that was born some of the sweetest friendships and most beautiful community that I've ever seen. Right here, in my church. The last place that I'd expected to find it. Such an unexpected gift.

Reflecting on this past year brings a lot of emotions, but mostly, awe, and gratitude. I see where I was, and where God has brought me to. Beauty from ashes. Grace upon grace.

To Him be the Glory.


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