Life Update: Where I've Been (Literally)

I wonder if I'm the only one that finds it a bit ironic that blogging more often was on my list of goals for the year, and here we are arrived in May, with this being only my second post this year. In my defense though, life has been way crazier than even I imagined. It has a way of doing that, you know?
It still kinda surprises me when I think of it being May already - I mean, it still feels like it should be the beginning of the year.

I thought I'd give y'all a little recap of what life's been like...

In the middle of January, my parents went to Nevada for a week - Daddy was going on a business trip, and Mom was able to go along. That left me at home in Texas with all 8 younger siblings. Quite doable, but that Sunday while they were gone, I made sure to get everyone to church on time for Sunday School, so that they could be in someone else's care for that 45 minutes.

On the 21st, I met up with my parents in the airport, had a few minutes with Mom, and then traveled on to Georgia with Daddy, to attend a wedding - his brother was getting married. Interestingly enough, this was the same uncle who'd told me just over a year before that I needed to get married, so we'd have reason for another family reunion...
Needless to say, I'm very happy that he found a wife -- and I gained a sweet aunt in the process.

After the wedding, I traveled home to Tennessee with a different aunt and uncle, and stayed with their family for two and a half weeks. That was such an enjoyable visit, and I got to spend lots of quality time with my four little cousins.

On February 11th, I traveled to Gatlinburg, to attend the WIT Alumni reunion. I got to see dear friends that I'd made last July at the WIT Alive conference (if you've never heard of that, check out their website. Their ministry has been life changing for my family!), as well as make new friends. Truly a refreshing and uplifting weekend. I also learned that while swing dancing is a ton of fun to watch, it's not exactly my strong point...

The view from the cabin where we stayed for the WIT reunion 
After the reunion, I flew home for a week, and brought along one of Mom's sisters, Elizabeth, who'd also been at the reunion. I was really looking forward to the week with my family, as I'd been gone for three and a half weeks, but I ended up sick almost the entire time I was home.

February 23, Elizabeth and I flew to Orlando, to meet up with yet another aunt and uncle, and their six kids. We were going along as extra hands while they did Disney World.
Disney World was not somewhere that had ever been on my list of places I wanted to go, but I really had a blast with it, with my favorite of the parks we visited being Blizzard Beach. A week into our stay, cousins from New Jersey, and their parents, joined us at Disney World, and ramped up the fun level even more.

Those last two cousins to join the party brought it up to sixteen out of twenty-three cousins that I'd seen all in the space of six weeks. I'm pretty sure that's some sort of record right there.

As much as I enjoyed Disney World and all the fun experiences that came with if, my very favorite part of the Florida trip was the beaches. One Sunday while we were there we went to the Atlantic Coast, and the next Sunday we went to the Gulf Coast. They were both so beautiful and peaceful, and I came away convinced that my family seriously needed a beach vacation. 

I flew home March 8th. It was seriously so good to be home after being gone for five of the six previous weeks. I was quickly hit with reality though, when I realized the amount of things that had to be done before Baby (due April 18th) arrived. The next several weeks were spent working like crazy to make sure everything was ready, as well as catching up on things that had fallen behind while I was out of town.

April 18th came and went, and we we're beginning to wonder WHEN this baby would ever show his or her face...

Sunday, April 24th, I woke up at 3:30 to a text from Mom saying that her water had broken...less than an hour later, Baby Girl was born. She was a whopping 9 pounds 1 ounce, and was 21.5 inches long.
She was named Mercy Anna, for God's goodness and mercy to to our family in this last year.

Sweet Mercy is three weeks old now, and these three weeks have not been any less busy than the rest of this year. I took over several of Mom's responsibilities for the first several days while she recovered, and I've been super busy accomplishing things on my to-do list as well. I just got a job working Saturday mornings, and I've been working like crazy to get a new product line ready for my Etsy shop. Keep your eyes peeled for that, because it's coming very soon...and hopefully with an accompanying blog to tell the story behind the project.

So, the short version of my year so far.


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